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Erika was born and raised in California with a passion for art. Her love originated from her artistic parents and was also influenced by Walt Disney films at a young age. As an adolescent, Erika’s skills began taking shape when she began drawing figures, shapes, and faces and her interest in art grew by the end of elementary school. 

In middle school, Erika experimented with digital art as she became influenced by Japanese animation and books. At age 14, she received her first drawing tablet. Erika took several drawing classes during her junior and senior years in high school. After graduation, she took one year off to improve her skills in digital art. At age 19, she received a new tablet monitor so she can further improve her skills. She also began taking freelance commissions in 2017. 


She has experimented with color theory, anatomy, and animation which have improved her skills as a digital illustrator. Erika earned her B.A. in Arts and graduated in the Spring of 2022.

Copyrighted © 2022 Eriquack

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